Effective Communication Training

“Effective communication to a relationship is like air to breathe-without it....it dies.”


Communication in layman language is just a way to express your thoughts in front of others - be it by words, graphics, diagrams, or by gestures. But effective communication is something which you are transmitting and the other person feels worth listening to or reading it.


Our motive is to deliver you with all the aspects of effective communication like verbal and non-verbal communication. Generally, it is taken for granted as we all do it frequently. But to communicate effectively is not that easy. We acquaint you with the right choice of words, appropriate body language, facial expressions, accurate content, and a lot more.

“Effective communication is 20% what you know and 80% how you feel about what you know.” - Jim Rohn

Why choose Effective Communication Training?


  • If you want to create the value of your words,
  • If you want to provide clarity in your non-verbal communication,
  • If you want to enhance your personality,


Then... this training program will be very beneficial to you.


Dream Image imparts its deliberately created comprehensive Effective Communication Program Services in various impressive in-depth technicalities, methodologies, and easy time frames. 


These services can be customized as per the client’s requirements. Captivate the appropriate opportunities with a magical magnetic personality that fits your Dream Image.

Effective Communication Training

Workshop Highlights


  • Listening skills
  • Speaking skills
  • Body language
  • Facial expressions
  • Hand movement
  • Movement of eyes

Workshop Takeaways


  • Improves productivity
  • Social and professional appraisal
  • Clarity in speech
  • Better corporate association
  • Preventing and resolving conflicts
  • Promotes team spirit

Next to-do


Kick start your journey to increase the weightage of your words.  Join hands with us to attain the zenith where your words create the future. 


Signup for the next Workshop