Image Consultant – The Sculpture of Elegance

The contemporary job market is full of several opportunities that can be encashed provided you are ready. What does it mean to be ready? It is not enough to be upgraded with the latest knowledge and skills related to your profession, the recruiters are looking for something more; they are looking for professionals who can further the value of their brand. Your personal image enhances the image of the brand you are working for. Your personal image is even more important if you are running your own business or are a freelancer

Blog on Image Consultant - The Sculpture of Elegance by Shweta Garg

What do we understand by Image?

Image is how people perceive us. The common myth is that image includes only our physical appearance, but it image has an ABCD component, namely:

Appearance: The first thing that the people are going to notice about you is how you look. Your knowledge, abilities, skills, and everything else comes secondary. Appearance helps you to attract people’s attention.

Behaviour: The way we talk, walk, and present ourselves is of utmost importance. It helps in creating an aura around us and attract people’s attention. People remember us more for our mannerisms and etiquettes than our words. Having a gentle handshake, greeting people with a warm smile and a pleasantry, giving compliments, are little things that make a huge impact in the way we people see us.

Communication: Communication has become a core skill in the recent years. Whether it is presenting an idea in a meeting, writing a leave application, interacting with your colleagues and clients, effective communication skills have become a necessity. Communication involves a variety of sub skills such as listening, vocabulary, accent and even non-verbal components such as body language and hand gestures. 

Digital Presence: Another thing that has become an integral part of our life is a meaningful digital presence. We all have a smartphone, a Facebook, or an Instagram account, but what do we use it for? Most people use social networking sites just to kill their time, but those who are conscious about its importance, use it carefully to build a positive digital image for themselves or their product. Internet has a wide reach. It is the best medium to reach to your target audience. But it does not promise success overnight. It requires conscious and consistent efforts on what we post on online.

What does an Image Consultant do?

Now that we understand Image and its ABCD’s, let us focus on how an Image Consultant can help us in all these four areas to build a positive image for us and our product.

Image consulting is about marketing ourselves. But unlike other forms of marketing, where a wrong investment can yield a zero output, investment in image consulting would always yield assured returns as it would lead to personal growth and development.

ABCD’s of Image can be learned through observation and experience. But it can take time, something which every professional lack. Also, when it comes to success in your career, you cannot rely upon a hit and trial method. An Image Consultant is an expert professional who with his or her experience and expertise would provide you with personalised guidance to become a better version of yourself. An Image Consultant would make a quick analysis of your strengths and weakness, and device a plan on of what skills you need to work on an immediate basis. Not only that, but the Image Consultant would also prepare a blueprint of the sub skills you need to learn to learn that overall skills. And of course, during the whole process, s/he will be your friend, philosopher, and guide to overcome all the challenges that hinder your learning.

To sum up, an Image Consultant can help you: 

1. To get into fitness: An Image Consultant is well- versed into body types and would suggest you effective workout keeping in mind your schedule and body type. 

2. To discover your personal style: Every person wants to be unique and stand out from the crowd. An Image Consultant can guide you on how to discover and develop your personal style based on your body type, profession and occasion. 

3. To get a versatile wardrobe: An Image Consultant has the power to change your outlook on shopping. We all need a wardrobe full of a mix of trendy and classic clothing, accessories and foot wears, that can help us to grace different occasions without wasting our time. A good Image Consultant would not make you dependent upon on him or her but guide you to make independent fashion choices for the future. 

4. To work on etiquettes and mannerisms: An Image Consultant would guide you how to conduct yourselves in public. Working on soft skills, body language, right posture, wearing the right fragrance, you would get guidance on many subtle aspects of your personality. 

5. To become an effective communicator: It is one thing to communicate and it is another to communicate effectively. An Image Consultant would guide you on how to become a better communicator by working on that aspect of your communicator that you lack. 

6. To get a professional success: Working on you image can help you land into your desired job and / or get the raise you deserve. An Image Consultant is well versed with different professions and can guide you on how to conduct yourself in different professional situations. 

7. To stay updated: The world is ever changing. New things are coming up in technology, fashion, skills, communication and literally everything. To keep our selves updated with all the latest developments is difficult. An Image Consultant can be of great help in this regard. 

8. To realise your dream image: We all have that idea of our dream imagehow we look at ourselves and how we want others to look at us. An Image Consultant can help us bridge the gap between how people actually look at us and how we want them to look at us.


Create an Image to Create an InfluenceReach us to know more. Also, you can join our live Self-Transformation 2. O Masterclass.

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